"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Carrots, Man, Carrots

Carrots are extremely versatile.  Their taste can be highlighted and accented to become sweet or join the immense ranks of the other root vegetables.  Most people don't play around with the taste of foods enough to find the full spectrum of what they can "build" from the same food items.

For example: have you ever steamed carrots and then drizzled them with extra virgin olive oil, fresh chopped dill, and cloves of roasted garlic.  How about sauteing them in extra virgin olive oil and grating extra sharp cheese on them.  Or sauteing them in sesame oil and topping them with sesame seeds and sea salt.

Each application brings out another more subtle flavor.  And then, there is their use in mirepoixs and stocks...or just plain eating them raw.  The key to "food building and flavor" is to test and experiment.

One recipe that will blow your socks off is Molly Katzen's RUSSIAN CARROT PIE.  If you don't know Molly's foods, drop everything and dig into the immense warehouse of recipes spawned from her hand and the legendary Moosewood Restaurant.  A feast and treat for the tongue and the mind.

Illustration by David Lance Goines 

Give this recipe a try and EXPERIMENT with foods.



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