"The Author-Preneur with Something To Say That You'll Love To Read." #authorpreneurTJM

Fresh Fruit and the Art of Food

One great gift of being human and having a cerebral cortex is that food  (and anything else for that matter) does not just simply need to serve the function of keeping us physically alive.  It can function on other planes at the same time.  Like, metaphor and beauty.  

We can use food and all of the language around food to serve as image and not just reality.  We can transfer onto the image all sorts of emotional and psychic content.  We can love food not just because it tastes so darned good and keeps us alive, but because of its beauty and its processes connected to who we are.  Processes like planting, nurturing, harvesting, preparing.

So, how we use food is as important to the human being as is what it contains to keep us living and moving on this earth.  So, how we plate and present food is important.  How do you take food and add some of the complexity of the relationship that we share with it?  What do you do to enhance the meaning and value of food in your life - beyond its role to keep us from dying?  What touches the edges of your philosophy of food - like beauty, elegance, art, desire?

What makes up the world of food for you?  How do you honor it, use it, define it, relate to it, and become ennobled by it?  Simple pears and strawberries are anything but simple.  They can evoke so much - like desire, wonder, and beauty.  Take time to incorporate this element of your relationship with food.

Spaghetti Squash

Summertime can support a broader range of fresh veggies. #workhardplayhard

Get #creativeinthekitchen

Tonight we are having baked spaghetti squash, olive oil, sautéd chicken breast with asparagus, onions and peppers. Mmm. Topped with grated parm.  Mmm.  Enjoy.
